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Internal Martial Arts




Martial refining: 


Concentrated effort to master feelings, 

get rid of delusions, 

remove acquired conditioning 

and restore the original mind.

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Michio Shimada portret of a contemporary Taikiken sensei.

Michio SHIMADA powerful fighter with a strong one inch punch.

Michio Shimada was born in 1952. Practiced judo and karate. In the early nineteen eighties he started with Taikiken and is one of the second generation top Taikiken instructors who learned direct from master Kenichi Sawai himself. 

Shimada sensei did run his own Taikiken dojo since 1985, but when master Kenichi Sawai died in 1988 he stopped teaching for about ten years. 

From that moment he was training and teaching in Nishi Shinjuku Central Park and Yoyogi park

for three times a week.

As he expressed it himself, he would like to train more, but he is a was busy man.

Shimada sensei has an powerful style of fighting and a strong one inch punch.

He is a friendly and passionate Taikiken teacher. 

Shimada sense has reopened a dojo in Tokyo where is sharing his experience and Sawai's teachings with his students. 

He recently published two interesting Taikiken dud's more info on: http://budovideos.com/shop/

And have his own web site in Japanese Click here

Michio Shimada video showing Ritsuzen.
Michio Shimada Taikiken ritsuzen, top view.
Michio Shimada Taikiken ritsuzen, front view.

Michio Shimada - Taikiken - Ritzuzen

Michio Shimada showing his Taikiken free Kumite style.
Michio Shimada showing Taikiken Kumite.
Michio Shimada showing Taikiken free Kumite.
Michio Shimada video on YouTube.
Michio Shimada with his fellow Taikiken masters.

Michio Shimada Taikiken


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Last update: July 2024